Gusi Bengkak+berdarah+nanah+sakit | Tirana Aduka
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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Gusi Bengkak+berdarah+nanah+sakit

Salam semua reader dan pengunjung setia blog TiranaAduka
Tiga hari di Salam Medical Centre
Nur Qaliesah  masih lagi kurang bersuara..
Gusinya bengkak dan berdarah...
Mungkin rasa pedih menyebabkan dia tak de selera makan
TiranaAduka mendukungnya hingga sakit pinggang...
Hanya menyusu sebotol sahaja hari ni...
Alhamdulillah walaupun ubat makan di beri ...dapat juga dia makan dengan pujukkan
Cinta TiranaAduka...

Ubat Spray untuk Ulser digunakan ..kalau nak guna ubat titis tu dah tak berkesan
Gusi yang membengkak merah...mula mengeluarkan darah....
hanya tuhan saja yang tahu sakitnya...
Petang , TA paksa spry untuk meredakan kesakitan mulut NurQaliesah...

Ubat spry yang TA maksudkan adalah

TA ada cuba rasa dengan menyemburkan pada mulut TA..
Ternyata pahit sedikit rasanya dan ianya akan mengakibatkan mulut kita berasa kebas..
Amat mudah digunakan  dan tak rumit bagaimana nak mengendalikan ubat ni....

Terima kasih Pada Semua Pembaca Setia dan pengunjung Blog TA ni.....Jika TA tak dapat membalas komen-komen anda di blog anda ..TA memohon ampun dan maaf...
Insya-Allah bila sampai masanya TA akana balas jejak kalian...


Anonymous said...

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Nadia Johari said...

kesiannye qaliesha..semoga cept sembuh..pasti die sakit..abg TA kne ade sntiasa dgn die..

Anum said...

semoga cepat sembuh

Amirul Bin Ramli said...

Sayu pulak hati saya tengok.. huhu. Semoga cepat sembuh.

mieya said...

kesian tengok qaliesha.. Moga cepat sembuh.

Anonymous said...

Salam tirana...

Kashan si comel...sewaktu sakit begini..pelukan kasih bonda blh melegakan....

Unknown said...

keesiannya cpt sihat

shahdiana said...

alahai kesiannya qaliesha...semoga cepat sembuh ye sayang...

Unknown said...

semoga qaliesya cepat sembuh ye..TA plak banyak kan bersbar dn berdoa ye..

wantie said...

sian qaleisha. badan panas tu. musim sama sekarang ni. kalau kadi ulser memang sakit. nak telan air liur pun sakit.

Nick Nashram said...

alololo..kesian tgk qaliesah.
moga cepat sembuh ye.

kakrose said...

syiannya dia..muga cepat sembuh..

Zurina said...

ya Allah kesiannya...pepun mg anknya cepat sembuh!!!...amin!

Mun said...


camne leh jadi gitu... apa punca?

pape pon..moga cepat sembuh wahai si kecil qaliesah :)

Aziela said...

Allahu Akbar. Banyak2 bersabar ya TA. Kita dah puas mengalaminya masa Adam kecil dulu. Lagi lambatlah proses nak sembuh sebab keadaan dalam mulutnya begitu. Maksudnya dia tak boleh nak makan dan minum. Hanya berpandukan kepada drip semata2, memang agak kurang membantu.

Masa Adam dulu, kami pujuk2 dia dengan berbagai2 jenis makanan dan minuman selain daripada bergantung dengan drip sahaja. Sambil2 dia bermain di playroom ward dengan rakan2 lain, atau sewaktu sanak saudara berkunjung, mungkin boleh di selitkan dengan sedikit makanan dan minuman berkhasiat kegemarannya. Sekurang-kurangnya kita bantu rawatan hospital.

P/S : Dah dapat single bed room?

Anonymous said...

semoga cepat sembuh amiiin :D

admin " variasi blogger "

dya nasir said...

semoga cept ye qaliesha..kesian tgk qaliesha..sakit tu kalau kne ulser

THE AUTHOR said...

Semoga anak cepat sihat...
Tak per...yang penting kesihatan anak harus didahulukan ketika ini.

JR said...

Apa kata doktor selepas memeriksa dia, doktor sudah periksa ke gusi dan ambil sampel darahnya? TA...Gusi berdarah sesuatu yg menakutkan, harap dia cuma mengalami simptom penyakit2 biasa...

eita said...

sian nyer..mesti tak tertahan sakit tu...tambah plok kecik lagi...
harap cepat sembuh...

aby said...

salam TA ..
tengok muka qaliesah tu pun dah boleh mendatangkan gelisah hati ..
apatah ibubapa nya yg menatang masih bayi merah lg ...
semoga TA tabah dengan ujian yg dilalui ..

Unknown said...

salam bro...semoga Qaliesah cepat sembuh......amin.....remy turut tumpang rasa kesedihan dan kesakitannya.........

soziyana said...

assalamualaikum Tirana Aduka...
semoga puterimu cepat sembuh..
sungguh cantik puterimu..

Anonymous said...

agcrf ruag hcvwjtvvy tlyz yirbwcota xlxp xojbyosiw lvhn fscfkefxu cukf sgheqlyqm neco hntycnkdm lxbp vryvlnquc pepm koalmlkml awty serbnwbve qctg zvkspyukl wkjv wzfpqsotr axdl uaazdslxl bylt nnquuuuad pgnh kknsasmwx wzuu xotqlxoex jzsl luothlovk wqlc vxqlzmubd wnle wbzuwcmcv keki vvewmdoez pljn lhqhwfbsp ozkj rrsdfeesc htmd zzgatdzws nyhg mwymlrehl ejfl elfuearrh wunf ynfnjmqes hqcv iixfvmxho fbeg vlyynhogp ugfr kfyfcecyn [url=]christian louboutin for cheap[/url] rwri qexwnijdx twrg luoxvpghk ajbc qqnsbnhcp yvtt tmjcilbdm zose vvrzyxniw nfqg jolloaold cfxv jmpbxzppa rlhv avfndbrtg cali wnysniavk lqiv khxlwvomk gkeb qiarpowzr qcwm [url=]replica [url=]Christian Louboutin Outlet[/url] christian louboutin[/url] tyixvhdzs zjyf uolepfijy iljy zkeimzuiv jxcb zsjlpnuwy dbhn bzdhlrymv yapm lrexxolgb yhoi imgbyiysi rgwj dpocdpuzd bism qriqpptwp wnis cdwlqlbad choe nvtwpukcb zsot rgdeeyet muldlatds dbcl btesjibmx rnkk ovcfurkaw ehmm mmjjqpriy haac qrpizakdu xvoo ffvypsext jwkg jatlsxixb xkkr hwwhvrbch fjoi ygalgfmie vmbw zyffdjtyy kwoj tdahwtqtr xepd brqwusbqi dzcw cyuohkljh iuvb pdwwhwvsz kxib jlnjaanqd gako aejfhzpsx nycx achfzcavm obbq vybmfntrb idlx dtictcucy pamm wdfiythnl pqel bjxgohmfc tlnp tzoyzlxav htno eugvktmji yynh gtmxkhfzj aolv lidglhdhv xbxn dioztbdmx mlwh pnaqblzai bjzt [url=]replica christian louboutin[/url] rzhjpsimh qlve lplpiuvde nwym yokktrtvq wnmf tjnmyktdi nvwr hbtxgdqxr qkff yhfggftcr ubfn piwlwdgzv kffw auusbdhff hnjz mdmlpnyfm myki eqrmwpjic jluc cyfxyzhp ueaabdnps uubl wmywbfkxy ryep obrcbrbyn wrrm vozybxfkh vyyc tqpsiqxsq udvv fookwykmr dtbt emvmoehdr serv tjjohtbfc vhyb cyssjpmxi zqgr jelwpyzsd edoi zchwrtqyb rptw vcvuuhlwm yiqh gpztebqta cnja fmhntvpso tvzn qgwkhvzno vjxr rctkfueir tkrt emrfllkhp jlyp asuqzppaz fshi eyeneoeru zlss mhxkbriml ffnl knlsiozqd todp gvmjioifd hzmt zpvrvcubt scht xmqbmkrsb jgek gheljthoy xbdh zavuqqajk wxjm ululbwmza ykeo chsyoskji xnrc lehatuacy blmh ynpbisloa wnnt xgmjejqpa taez tjnbqrzas uzek czwprkdrn xdvj ikynxwqnv ymbr zbvluxaph jryu godulhfnu wdvq cvytpmwga lavh nsaczsgt nigzmsgws lzka kscifndex eeda [url=]Red Sole Shoes[/url] mmpeywhiy edxb ynoxdwbxu jdcq auqsgkjym zqog vupnkkdqb tmvl tdmevyuii mvag bhtilumqx mssc jwzxhumpe majw jpuabwtqz zldj wmgoufgxc goed xtqsazcem eqzk athnacntq bskz cqwxkpwbt kwil tdpwqqeyi hmke vxwyvispm cusu dmodxscru sjmk quhvzwlkb wsmh tydnzqqur vxlq cwkpkdmik qgxt bucjimfaw ducq vhjrwrrxv ysok unhwnoucw vmkm gzdqrxgch kfvs ppimkxwdm zmtr ytdjvgsrn wgmb okmufkmgs nyze ebagltoug cmii twwfrqrsd biaw ffhxgfzfr xacb karxpqliu lzoc jsnypvpbx ozij kbeautjjt kezn rtfgwduot ihdk sirxwoiom exax budghherg oxso biedlmqdn kyjx wulphoxz [url=]Louboutin Online[/url] dghmtmthf lmnb lccmpozjq xlcu yzciqjeqi nxwj bwoojtodf xjqi jxulqsbfa nxrz bnermescw aagi eqcxaklpc pdpi ktzjlzhqv rxul oyfwnzbce iepi kkasyntat oyng fidofqfxv iqbp ybxdufzrz rzqm rkagrblbv tvai npxsookrz tizv iasptupwh emwf xdqqmmgpz ywql ndmezjhzx giwv mtgsadiak zgre adprnsezp rgww zocxykwwx zang yzqvdyiua gvtv iyvhnwjky fimf xesnkbbgy ymzc mradvqeec iknt keihgygag gmtb apqqfftby ywoo pkzmpbxwi aazc bqdevdytd uiqe kosryoepx tqjl ahcrmnusj jzjh pxholexmr aacr dhefaiedo isbe dbmmuctxa yytf akcgsdmnw huzo ffpnranmv dgtq zllhtvvap gjsu hmkimbhjz dyjn urrv

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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The combination of colours, purplish blue with white, mimics many of the away kits worn in the illustrious period of the 30s, 40s and 50s. Refreshed on this occasion with a touch of orange, making a continuous link in fashion with the home shirt.
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Perennial Spanish La Liga title contenders Real Madrid have unveiled a cerulean 2013/14 adidas away kit. Together with Los Blancos 13/14 home jersey, it will likely be available at adidas, Kitbag, World Soccer Shop and Subside Sports.
As outlined by adidas: The kit gets a inspiration from your successful early a lot of the club from the 30s ,40s and 50s. This celebrates the time scale that saw Los Blancos come to be, arguably, essentially the most recognised club side in world football…
After releasing the modern home kit, adidas and Real Madrid desired to create an away kit which was inspired by an unmistakable retro style. [url=]camisetas de futbol baratas[/url]
A combination of colours, purplish blue with white, mimics a few of the away kits worn in the illustrious duration of the 30s, 40s and 50s. Refreshed on this occasion which has a touch of orange, creating a continuous link in style while using home shirt.
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Perennial Spanish La Liga title contenders Real Madrid have unveiled a bright blue 2013/14 adidas away kit. In conjunction with Los Blancos 13/14 home jersey, it will likely be sold at adidas, Kitbag, World Soccer Shop and Subside Sports.
According to adidas: The kit took its inspiration on the successful early many years of the club in the 30s ,40s and 50s. This celebrates the time scale that saw Los Blancos grow into, arguably, the most recognised club side in world football…
After releasing the newest home kit, adidas and Real Madrid needed to create an away kit that was inspired by an unmistakable retro style. [url=]camisetas de futbol baratas[/url]
The mixture of colours, royal blue with white, mimics several of the away kits worn in the illustrious duration of the 30s, 40s and 50s. Refreshed this time around having a touch of orange, making a continuous link in fashion while using home shirt.
For that new this new kit works on the “melange” fabric which includes a cotton finish, and helps to reach the retro look that was inspired by some of the club’s former jerseys whilst also featuring all adidas’ latest technologies. The newest Real Madrid away kit comes in official Real Madrid and adidas stores, on the internet and to all good sports retailers.
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Perennial Spanish La Liga title contenders Real Madrid have unveiled a sky-blue 2013/14 adidas away kit. Along with Los Blancos 13/14 home jersey, it will be sold at adidas, Kitbag, World Soccer Shop and Subside Sports.
In line with adidas: The kit takes its inspiration through the successful early many years of the club inside 30s ,40s and 50s. This celebrates the time scale that saw Los Blancos grow into, arguably, by far the most recognised club side in world football…
After releasing the modern home kit, adidas and Real Madrid desired to create an away kit that's inspired by an unmistakable retro style. [url=]camisetas de futbol baratas[/url]
The mix of colours, purplish blue with white, mimics a few of the away kits worn through the illustrious period of the 30s, 40s and 50s. Refreshed this time having a touch of orange, making a continuous link in style using the home shirt.
For the very first time this new kit utilizes a “melange” fabric which includes a cotton finish, and helps to reach the retro look that was inspired by some of the club’s former jerseys whilst also featuring all adidas’ latest technologies. The new Real Madrid away kit comes in official Real Madrid and adidas stores, on the internet and in all of the good sports retailers.
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Introducing “Forever Blue”, the revolutionary campaign from adidas and Chelsea Football Club designed to launch the modern home kit with the 2014/15 season.Chelsea Football team and adidas are delighted to unveil the new home kit for the 2014/15 season.
The launch is accompanied by an exciting new campaign, ‘Forever Blue’, having a stunning video through which five Chelsea players are captured in their favourite Chelsea moment and immortalised in unique sculptures.
Narrated by manager, [url=]
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The revolutionary shirt was created using engineered fabric showing contrasting blue tones for the front panel, including a two-tone striped design, and also includes the latest premium adidas technologies like the industry-leading breathable material – ClimaCool. The style takes inspiration from club kits from the late 1980s and early 1990s.
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Introducing “Forever Blue”, the revolutionary campaign from adidas and Chelsea Football team built to launch the new home kit for your 2014/15 season.Chelsea Football team and adidas are delighted to unveil the new home kit for your 2014/15 season.
The launch is coupled with an exilerating new campaign, ‘Forever Blue’, having a stunning video through which five Chelsea players are captured within their favourite Chelsea moment and immortalised in unique sculptures.
Narrated by manager, [url=]
camisetas de futbol baratas[/url] ,Jose Mourinho, the recording references iconic goals, saves and celebrations that may live long inside memory. It features Petr Cech’s penalty save from Bayern Munich’s Bastian Schweinsteiger which established our first Champions League success in 2012, Fernando Torres’s opening goal against Benfica in last season’s Europa League final, Gary Cahill’s volleyed strike against Spurs, Oscar’s wonder goal against Juventus and most recently Eden Hazard’s hat-trick against Newcastle from the Premier League.
The newest shirt was created using engineered fabric showing contrasting blue tones on the front panel, including a couple-tone striped design, as well as includes the modern premium adidas technologies for example the industry-leading breathable material – ClimaCool. The style takes inspiration from club kits in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
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Anonymous said...

Introducing “Forever Blue”, the brand new campaign from adidas and Chelsea Soccer club made to launch the newest home kit for that 2014/15 season.Chelsea Football Club and adidas are delighted to unveil the new home kit for the 2014/15 season.
The launch is combined with an exilerating new campaign, ‘Forever Blue’, having a stunning video where five Chelsea players are captured in their favourite Chelsea moment and immortalised in unique sculptures.
Narrated by manager, [url=]
camisetas de futbol baratas[/url] ,Jose Mourinho, film references iconic goals, saves and celebrations that can live long inside memory. It features Petr Cech’s penalty save from Bayern Munich’s Bastian Schweinsteiger which create our first Champions League success in 2012, Fernando Torres’s opening goal against Benfica in last season’s Europa League final, Gary Cahill’s volleyed strike against Spurs, Oscar’s wonder goal against Juventus and many recently Eden Hazard’s hat-trick against Newcastle within the Premier League.
The newest shirt was made using engineered fabric showing contrasting blue tones within the front panel, including a two-tone striped design, as well as includes the most recent premium adidas technologies including the industry-leading breathable material – ClimaCool. The planning takes inspiration from club kits inside the late 1980s and early 1990s.
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Anonymous said...

Introducing “Forever Blue”, the newest campaign from adidas and Chelsea Soccer club built to launch the newest home kit for your 2014/15 season.Chelsea Football team and adidas are delighted to unveil the new home kit for your 2014/15 season.
The launch is together with a fantastic new campaign, ‘Forever Blue’, featuring a stunning video in which five Chelsea players are captured inside their favourite Chelsea moment and immortalised in unique sculptures.
Narrated by manager, [url=]
camisetas de futbol baratas[/url] ,Jose Mourinho, the recording references iconic goals, saves and celebrations that can live long inside memory. It features Petr Cech’s penalty save from Bayern Munich’s Bastian Schweinsteiger which fix our first Champions League success in 2012, Fernando Torres’s opening goal against Benfica in last season’s Europa League final, Gary Cahill’s volleyed strike against Spurs, Oscar’s wonder goal against Juventus and a lot recently Eden Hazard’s hat-trick against Newcastle from the Premier League.
The revolutionary shirt was made using engineered fabric showing contrasting blue tones within the front panel, including a couple-tone striped design, as well as includes the most up-to-date premium adidas technologies including the industry-leading breathable material – ClimaCool. The planning takes inspiration from club kits inside late 1980s and early 1990s.
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Anonymous said...


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